Spring time in Alberta means two things – The closing out of snowboard season, and the start of motorcycle season.
For the past 3 years I have combined the two into one awesome day trip to Sunshine Village in Banff.
Leaving Edmonton at 6:00 AM on a motorcycle, in May can really be a gamble in terms of the weather.
This year it was sunny, but only +4 degrees . . . thank goodness for heated jackets and heated grips.
The ride to Banff was easy – sticking mostly to the main highway, but opting to take the Old Coach Road once I reached Cochrane, just to take in the awesome scenery.
Once at Sunshine it was time to change out of bike gear and into snow gear. Â There were a few strange looks in the parking lot, but I was changed and on the Gondola in no time.
The snow was amazing. Â Great coverage and the hill might as well have been totally empty. Â I took several runs with out seeing another person the whole way down.
The ski out was open to the Goats Eye Station – so of course I had to take that down.
Then it was a reverse process to get back into moto gear for the ride home.
Back down the Old Coach Road to Cochrane, where I then took random gravel roads to just north and west of Red Deer.
I was having fun on gravel roads – but also avoiding a huge rain storm the was tracking right over the main highway north.
Arriving home at 9:15 PM – 15 hours and 15 minutes after I left (and 934 km later) – It was great to be home.
Put the bike in the garage, had a shower, and went to sleep – – truly a great day.
If you ever have the idea to go on some sort of adventure – do it!