Powell Peralta Re-issues

We have received the latest installment of the Powell Peralta re-issue decks. These are more limited that the last round – so come on by and check them out.

Go Skate Day Saturday, June 21, 2014

Saturday, June 21 is International Go Skateboarding Day. We are going to have some skate related events at the shop. 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM Highest Ollie / Best Trick / Longest Manual / Bungee Slide contest / Etc. / And the ever popular 6″ Skate Park beside the shop. There will be a FREE BBQ for those that roll up on their skate, and some prizes as well. GO SKATE DAY – at The Easy Rider.  

Santa Cruz x Star Wars co-lab.

Santa Cruz Skateboards has teamed up with Lucas films to offer some awesome collaborations with Star Wars. There are regular decks / collector edition decks – in special packages with certificates of authenticity / complete longboards and a Darth Vader deck that is amazing!   The Darth Vader deck is not printed with ink – it is made entirely of different types of wood inlays. All of these will be available starting Monday March 3, 2014 – at The Easy Rider!