SUP River Trek

What an awesome day!
Sunday, July 24 saw the second annual Easy Rider SUP River Trek down the North Saskatchewan river.
This year we went from Devon to Laurier Park (Valley Zoo) for a distance of 34.09 km.
It was a nice casual paddle with two rest stops along the way, and was done in a total time of 4 hours and 11 minutes.
Thanks to all that made it out.

Right after the start at Devon.


The crew cruising along near Rabbit Hill


Pit stop #1 on a small island at Rabbit Hill
Griffin - the youngest "trekker" at 13


Corey and David finding out that certain areas are slower than others 🙂


Frank, Margo & Charley at Fort Edmonton
Erin having fun in the sun.


Stephen (foreground) and others motoring along.
Scott having fun.


Angela soaking up some sun.


Trey and Sheldon


Dave enjoying the time on the water.
Delmer taking it Big and Easy


David (all the way from Australia) and the gang.


34.09 km