We’re back!

To Our Easy Rider Family,

As of Thursday, May 14th, we will be open to the public in a limited capacity and we’ll have a number of changes as we adjust to a new normal. In an effort to keep our customers and our staff safe, we are implementing the following changes:

  • We’ll be instituting a ten (10) shoppers at a time rule to allow for safe physical distancing in the store.
  • We will have hand sanitizers available at the door to spray your hands if you don’t have your own readily available. This will be mandatory, so please understand we’re doing it to keep everyone safe.
  • If you are shopping for clothes, at this time we are not allowing you to try on anything that is pulled over your head.
  • We will NOT allow returns of any type at this time.
  •  We will have physical distancing stickers on the floor and sneeze shields set up at the till.
  • If you have a mask, please consider wearing it to protect us.
  • We will continue to offer curbside pick-up for those who are not comfortable coming into the store. Please call to let us know you’ve arrived.
  • If you are sick, please stay home! We don’t want to put anyone in an awkward position during this difficult time.

We’ll get through this together. If everything goes well, some of these measures may be relaxed, but this will be our new normal at The Easy Rider for the foreseeable future.

We are back to our regular store hours, in an effort to allow more hours in the “shopping day” so that there is less risk of congestion in the store.